Newspaper Nail Art

26 Mar


Okay, FYI, its not as difficult as it looks. however, the main item that you will need for this project is rubbing alcohol, or more commonly known as surgical spirit. Trust me, once you have completed this project, you will no longer associate surgical spirit with painful injections! To get this wacky nail art going what you need to do is:

  • First, apply a base coat of which ever coloured nail paint you prefer; remember, it should be light enough to show the print of the newspaper on it. Let the nail paint dry completely, or it could smudge and look messy
  • Cut out strips of any print from the newspaper, and make sure that the strips are wide enough to cover your nail
  • Pour rubbing alcohol in a small bowl, just enough to soak your nail in it
  • Now dip your nail into the bowl of rubbing alcohol, also dip the stripe of newspaper, and then immediately wrap that strip of paper around your nail and press hard for about 20-30 seconds; make sure that the nail and the paper are wet enough and you press it really hard onto the nail for long enough so that the print will stick. if you remove the paper sooner, the print may not be very clear



  • Peal off the paper slowly, and dry your fingers. The print may have gotten onto your skin as well, you can rub it off with acetone
  • Top it off with a coat of transparent nail paint

You’re all set to dazzle!


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